L'évolution des gens d'affaires franco-ontariens.


Multiword Expressions (MWEs) are idiosyncratic combinations of words which pose important challenges to Natural Language Processing. Some kinds of MWEs, such as verbal ones, are particularly hard to identify in corpora, due to their high degree of morphosyntactic flexibility. This paper describes a linguistically motivated method to gather detailed information about verb+noun MWEs (VNMWEs) from corpora. Although the main focus of this study is Spanish, the method is easily adaptable to other languages. Monolingual and parallel corpora are used as input, and data about the morphosyntactic variability of VNMWEs is extracted. This information is then tested in an identification task, obtaining an F score of 0.52, which is considerably higher than related work.This work was funded by the Basque Government, who qualified the IXA research group (of which the authors of this article are members) as an A type research group (IT1343-19). It is also part of the project entitled "MODENA: advanced neural modeling for high-quality translation" (KK-2018/00087)

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