Generación de iconografía didáctica a partir de recreación histórica y 3D. El caso de la Guerra Civil Española [Generation of didactic iconography through historical reenactment and 3D. The case of the Spanish Civil War]


Historical iconography provides us with hypothetical images of the past that contribute to its interpretation, knowledge and understanding. The advances in software to design and produce two- or three-dimensional images has optimized the possibilities of generating didactic iconography about spaces and events of the past. Additionally, the promotion of reenactment activities facilitates to capturephotographic and kinetic pictures of historical character, with a didactic projection, that can be integrated into the image processing software. The present article describes the experience of the group DIDPATRI regarding the design and implementation of interdisciplinary research and socialization of knowledge obtained from didactic iconography, in the context of the Spanish Civil War

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