Gráficos estadísticos accesibles para personas con baja visión y visión cromática deficiente


Statistical charts and graphs play a primordial role in different areas of our life, such as information, education, communication or research, among others. However, authors and content publishers do not always follow the accessibility criteria in the design and creation of this type of content. Considering these two premises, this work includes the four main approaches in which the scientific literature has focused so far to improve the accessibility of statistical charts and graphs: text alternatives, sonification, tactile alternatives and multimodal alternatives, with the purpose of evaluating their suitability for people with low vision and color blindness. Finally, some solutions are suggested that seem technologically viable and that start from the use of JavaScript libraries for the creation of interactive charts, in combination with other standards such as WAI-ARIA to tag and provide information about the content and the characteristics of the charts and the use of patterns to fill areas as a strategy to differentiate visual variables

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