
The Borborema Pegmatite Province, NE-Brazil revisited


Considering the internal structure, mineralogical distribution and geochemical data on K-feldspar, white micas, Nb-Taoxides, tourmalines, garnet and spinel, it becomes clear that the pegmatites classified as "heterogeneous" (Johnston 1945) include examples of several types and subtypes of LCT family, Rare Element Class pegmatites if the modern pegmatite classification models of Černý & Ercit 2005 are applied: at least examples of the beryl-columbite, beryl-columbite-phosphate and complex-spodumene,complex-lepidolite (±gemmologic elbaite)and albite (± cassiterite) pegmatite types and subtypes were ntatively identified. The impossibility to determine a granitelinked zoned regional distribution of these types may be the result of the fact that there is no single central source pluton but several smaller granitic intrusions in the province and the zoning around them may overlap each other

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