Level structure of S 31: From low excitation energies to the region of interest for hydrogen burning in novae through the P 30 (p, γ) S 31 reaction


Comprehensive measurements of the excitation energy and spin-parity assignments for states in S31 are presented, from the first excited state, up to energies relevant for the P30(p,γ)S31 reaction in ONe novae. This reaction rate strongly influences heavy element abundances in novae ejecta. States in S31 are paired with their P31 analogues using γ rays detected with the Gammasphere detector array following the Si28(He4, n) fusion-evaporation reaction. The evolution of mirror energy differences is explored and the results are compared with new shell-model calculations. The excellent agreement observed in this work between experimental data and shell-model calculations provides confidence in using computed estimates in situations where experimental data are unavailable

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