Spiritualitate și agronomie. Probleme etice contemporane din spațiul rural românesc și agricultură


This study interdisciplinary approaches contemporary ethical issues at spiritual, sociological, ecological level in Romanian rural areas and agriculture. It reveals the importance of spiritual activity, which was in the centre of concernings in the traditional Romanian village. Introduces the theme of objective spiritual knowledge, with his stages of: purification, enlightenment and theosis. Shortly describes vision of eastern orthodox spirituality towards creation and serving way after saints model which is different from an exploitation and even a stewardship attitude to natural environment. On the basis of an holistic ethic and christian morality, it follows the presentation of several problems regarding the subjects like: agriculture secularization and traditions disruption, loosing the food sovereignty, neglecting the biodiversity value and seeds from the national patrimony, using the synthetic chemical compounds in agriculture, modern breeding, genetically modified organisms and agriculture certification. The purpose of the work is not to give the final sentence, it is a dialogue invitation for those who want to find solutions for revival the Romanian authentic rural life of the villages. In the final section there are exposed a series of individual and comunitary impulses that regards: efforts for regaining an authentic spiritual life, diversifying the agricultural systems, rebounding a strong link between academic environment and persons from rural areas, grafting the organic agriculture on the basis of specifical Romanian spirituality, drafting a long-term strategy to ensure the food sovereignty

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