Raw data from Pacbio, assemblies and annotation of Xen31 and Xen36 strains


This deposit contains: raw pacbio data related to two samples of Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus MRSA252 (strains Xen31 and Xen36). assemblies in forms of fasta files annotations of the two main chromosomes The sequencing was performed on Pacbio Sequel on different so-called smartcells. Full details about library prepration, sequencing runs, etc can be found on array express under number E-MTAB-12210 (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/arrayexpress/studies/E-MTAB-12210). Because there were two smartcells, there are two files per samples. The two files xen31_A.subreads.bam and xen31_B.subreads.bam are therefore the raw data of the strain Xen31. similarly the two files xen36_A.subreads.bam and xen36_B.subreads.bam are the raw data of the strain Xen36. These 2 files should be merged before analysis. Be aware that the data is not hifi data nor CCS (corrected). CCS files are provided on the array express link here above. Extra information about the quality assessments (in terms of coverage) of the assemblies can be found here : https://github.com/biomics-pasteur-fr/manuscript_B4410/edit/main/README.md and in a paper to be provided. In this deposit you can find the the four raw files named e.g. xen31_A.subreads.bam for the first smrtcell of strain 31 the results of the assemblies using Canu1.6 . In both strains a main contig corresponding to the entire S. aureus chromosome was obtained e.g. xen31_chromosome.fa Extra contigs are stored in xen31_other_contigs.fa annotations of the main chromosome were performed with prokka 1.14.5 and genbank and GFF format are provided here

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