Moving Around a City - Rationality of Travel Mode Choice


Cílem práce je zodpovědět na otázky ohledně volby dopravního prostředku pro běžné dojíždění, jakou roli v rozhodování hraje lokace bydliště a jak se liší volba v případě tradičních obyvatel města a těch, co žijí mimo město. Omezila jsem svůj záběr čistě na způsoby dopravy dospělých v České republice.RESUME Moving Around a City - Rationality of Travel Mode Choice The aim of my study is to answer questions related to explanation of the travel mode choice used by people for regular commuting and what role in their decision making can be attributed to location of their residence, i.e. how the travel mode choice differs in case of traditional urban residents and suburban residents. I have limited my focus only to the travel modes used by adult residents of the Czech Republic. The reason why to study everyday commuting is the fact that people currently living in western cities spend a lot of time and money commuting and that the aggregate of everyday individual mobility generates an important environmental impact. Thus, this work represents a contribution to dynamically developing areas of sociology of travel and mobility as well as a general contribution to sociology of action. The choice of methodology in this study is based on the presumption that despite the fact that the travel mode choice represents a routine (social) behaviour, to a certain extent it can be seen as rational. Thus, I try to explain individual mobility by incorporating it into patterns of human motivation, means and goals, i.e. into categories of human action, in a context of specific conditions and situational constraints. The random...Katedra sociologieDepartment of SociologyFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

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