Current state of the art in 3D printing of metals in dental medicine


Napretkom tehnologije i digitalizacijom dentalne medicine razvile su se nove tehnike proizvodnje metalnih nadomjestaka i njihovih konstrukcijskih elemenata koje su dovele do unaprjeđenja mnogo industrija. Aditivna tehnologija, odnosno 3D gradnja, svoju primjenu našla je i u dentalnoj medicini. Zbog svojih je prednosti poput obrade metala, očuvanja izvrsnih svojstava, brzine i jednostavnosti proizvodnog postupka te konačno cijene, zamijenila analogne tehnike, ali i digitalne reduktivne metode. Najčešće korištene tehnike 3D gradnje metala u stomatologiji temeljene su na PBF-u, a to su DMLS, SLM i EBM. Nadalje, tehnikama 3D gradnje pojednostavila se obrada legura koje se, unatoč biokompatibilnosti i dobrim mehaničkim svojstvima, zbog složene izrade analognim tehnikama nisu često koristile. Razvojem tehnologije 3D gradnje povećala se izrada konstrukcijskih dijelova protetskih nadomjestaka od legura Co-Cr i titanija, koje su danas zlatni standard u dentalnoj medicini. Metali i njihove legure najčešće se koriste u dentalnoj protetici i implantologiji za izradu metalnih osnova krunica, mostova, implantata i implantoloških suprastruktura pa je i upotreba 3D gradnje metala najveća u tim granama dentalne medicine.Through advances in technology and digitalization of dental medicine, new techniques have developed for the production of metal-based dental appliances and their structural elements that have led to the progress of many industries. Additive technology, i.e. 3D printing, has found its application in dental medicine as well. Due to its advantages in terms of metal processing, the preservation of excellent properties, speed, simplicity of production and, finally, in terms of price, it replaced analogue techniques, as well as digital reductive methods. The most commonly used 3D metal printing techniques in dentistry are based on PBF, namely DMLS, SLM and EBM. Furthermore, 3D printing techniques have simplified the processing of alloys that, despite their biocompatibility and favourable mechanical properties, were seldom used due to complicated analogue manufacturing techniques. The development of 3D printing technology has increased the production of structural elements for prosthetic dental appliances made from Co-Cr and titanium alloys, which are considered the current professional standard in dental medicine. Metals and their alloys are most often used in dental prosthodontics and implantology for the production of metal bases for crowns, bridges, implants and implantological superstructures. Therefore, the use of 3D metal printing is the most substantial in these fields of dental medicine

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