The Knowledge of Pediatric Sleep Medicine among Orthodontists in Italy


AIM This study aimed to evaluate knowledge and attitude regarding obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in children among orthodontists. MATERIALS AND METHODS An anonymous questionnaire was prepared using Google Forms and sent to dentists in Italy via private social platforms. The first part of the questionnaire contained basic demographic data questions, and the second part included items about pediatric OSA. A total of 125 responses were recorded over one month. For this study, we considered only the questionnaires compiled by orthodontists, selected using answer “yes” at the question 5 “have you achieved your orthodontic residency?”. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 40 orthodontists from different regions of North, Center and South Italy, 26 male and 14 female, with a mean age of 48 compiled the questionnaire. The findings reveal the desire for more training about pediatric OSA. About half of the orthodontists surveyed feel that their knowledge is poor and does not enable them to manage young patients with OSA. Gaps are observed in the recognition of some relevant risk factors and conditions associated with OSA and in the awareness of some benefits of orthodontic treatments. Moreover, collaboration in a multidisciplinary team to proper manage OSA is still weak and not recognized by all the physicians. This study shows lack of knowledge about pediatric OSA and its management among orthodontists, revealing the need to update the dentistry curriculum and to organize educational interventions

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