Maximizing Crop Water Productivity From the Water Unit: Effect of N and P Fertilizers Rates on the Peanut Plant Growth and Yield Parameters Under Different Water Stress
Egypt is currently suffering from the vast increase in population that is increasing water consumption whether for domestic use or by other sectors especially, the agricultural one, which consumed more than 80 % of the water income. Experiment was conducted under drip irrigation system in the sandy soils of the experimental Farm of the National Research Centre, El-Nubaria, El-Behera governorate. The aim of this work is to study the effect of the N (0, 25; 50 kg/fed) and P (0, 10, 20, 30) fertilizers at different rates on the growth, yield parameters and crop water productivity (CWP) of peanut plant. Resulted data showed that application of N and P at the rates of and kg/fed, respectively on peanut crop to increase yield and enhance quality. CWP increased in the current experiments in the following order of 60>80>100 % ETo despite the reduction in crop yield. The quality attributes of oil and protein contents significantly improved by irrigation levels, N and/or P fertilizers application rates and their interactions.