
Effect of Different Levels of Inorganic Fertilizer and Bio-Fertilizer for Soil Amelioration Growth and Yield of Field Pea (Pisum Sativum L.)


A field experiment was conducted during Rabi season (November- April) 2015-2016 to study the “Effect of bio-fertilizer and different levels of inorganic fertilizers for soil amelioration growth and yield of field pea (Pisum sativum L.)”at the Research Farm of Department of Soil Science, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology Science, Allahabad, The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three levels of NPK ( 0%, 50%, 100%, RDF ) kg ha-1 and three levels of Bio-fertilizer (PSB, Rhizobium and PSB + Rhizobium 75% t ha-1 The treatments combinations were replicated three times and were allocated at random in each replication .The treatment combination T6 [Rhizobium + 100% RDF [N (25 kg ha-1),P(60 kg ha-1),K(20 kg ha-1)] gave the best result with the respect to plant height (82.02cm), number of branches plant-1 (16.93), Number of leaves plant-1(81.33), number of nodules plant-1 (13.27), fresh weight of plant (g)(114.93), dry weight of plant (g) 22.73 it gave highest number of pods plant-1 18.27, number of seeds pod-1-6.73, length of pod (cm)-7.00 and test weight 253.07g. Combined use of inorganic fertilizer and bio-fertilizers resulted in significant increase on enrichment of soil fertility status. The treatment T6 resulted in a slight decrease in soil PH 7.00 and significantly increases EC 0.277dSm-1, bulk density 1.34 g cm-3, particle density 2.67 g cm-3, soil pore space 49.69%, % organic carbon 0.81%, available N 330.59 Kg ha-1, P 32.37 Kg ha-1, K 197.85 Kg ha-1 in the soil .From the economical point of view, the same treatment gave the maximum profit of Rs 64,413with C:B ratio of 1: 2.34

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    Last time updated on 11/07/2018