Sonic Interaction Design: New Applications and Challenges for Interactive Sonification


Hermann T. Sonic Interaction Design: New Applications and Challenges for Interactive Sonification. In: Alois S, Pomberger H, Zotter F, eds. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-10). Graz, Austria: IEM; 2010: 1-2.Sonic Interaction Design (SID) is the exploitation of sound as a principal channel to convey information, meaning as well as aesthetic and emotional qualities in interactive contexts [1]. SID is a new young research field that offers novel perspectives for interactive artefacts and multimodal user interfaces that use sound at the core of their designs as means to interact with the user or to communicate and express specific facets. The COST Action IC0601 SID investigates the various aspects of sonic interaction design with the focus on (a) perception, cognition and emotion, (b) product design, (c) interactive art and (d) sonification and information display. This talk will provide an overview of SID, present examples and design procedures that take sound, its synthesis and generation, as well as our modes of communication about sound serious. Sonification is the data-dependent, reproducible generation of sound using a systematic transformation, and it is a central component to shape the functional aspect of interactive artefacts [2]

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