Male reproductive health : reasons why men may choose to participate in trials


This portfolio thesis comprises of three parts: a systematic literature review, an empirical report and a reflective statement.Part one is a systematic review in which literature relating to the empirical paper is reviewed. Due to a paucity of literature about reasons to participate in male reproductive health trials (RHTs), the broader area of reasons to participate in clinical trials, from a non-clinical sample, was reviewed. The review attempts to determine reasons why ‘healthy’ people participate in clinical trials and compares the findings with literature on reasons why patients participate. Recommendations are then made for future clinical trial recruitment strategies.Part two is an empirical paper encompassing two studies. Study one aimed to test hypotheses about factors that influence male participation in RHTs, specifically masculinity and altruism. Comments from participants about their own idiosyncratic reasons were then used to triangulate findings. Study two aimed to complement study one by exploring experiences of men participating in a RHT. Thematic constructions of stigma, altruism and masculinity were considered within a decision-making framework.Part three comprises of ppendices, including a reflective summary drawing on all aspects of the research process

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