Blood plasma levels and urinary excretion of ascorbic acid before and after a test dose in children with severe thalassemia


Summary1.The plasma ascorbic acid levels were determined in 22 children with severe thalassemia and in 12 normal children before and after an intramuscular injection of 50 mg. per kilogram of ascorbic acid. In 5 of the normal and 5 of the anemic children the urinary excretion of ascorbic acid before and after the test dose was also investigated.2.Before the injection of the test dose, the plasma ascorbic acid levels were invariably lower in the children with thalassemia than in the normal ones, and especially so in those with considerable splenomegaly. The test dose produced a greater initial rise, followed by a more rapid fall in the plasma levels of the anemic subjects.3.The urinary excretion of ascorbic acid before the test dose was considerably lower than normal in the children with thalassemia. The test dose produced a very similar initial rise in the renal elimination of the vitamin in both the normal and the anemic children, but this was followed by a decline in the rate of excretion which was more rapid in the anemic children. The over-all retention of injected ascorbic acid was considerably greater in the children with thalassemia.4.These observations suggest a mild ascorbic acid deficiency in children with severe thalassemia. The significance of this deficiency is discussed. © 1961 The C. V. Mosby Company

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