A dental pre-screening system: usability and user perception


Background: Accessing dental treatment is still a challenge in several countries. In Brazil, there is a deficit in the provision of dental services by the public health system, with an emphasis on specialised treatments. The poorest are most affected and usually have to travel long distances for treatment in other regions, with the associated costs of travel, food, and often the loss of a day's work. Aiming to improve care for this public, the Dental Pre-Screening System (in Portuguese, Sistema de Pré-Triagem Odontológica - STO) was developed, which is responsive (mobile) and aims at remotely pre-screening these patients by an oral health professional. Objective: This pilot study was developed to analyse the system's usability by developers and patients and the subjects' perceptions during the use of the STO through semi-structured interviews. Methods: A convenience sample (35 patients and 10 developers) with a mixed methodology was used to evaluate usability (System Usability Scale) and to measure the user's perception (semi-structured interview) of the components of the Dental Pre-Screening System. Results: The system's overall System Usability Scale (SUS) score was 76.9. Among the patients, Twenty-four patients found the system easy to use, 83% agreed or completely agreed that they would like to use this system frequently" and 83% agreed or strongly agreed that people would learn to use it quickly. Qualitative data suggest that all of the patients would recommend using the system, and the patients' perception of the system was positive and optimistic. However, it is also possible to identify points to be improved, such as changing the calendar format. Conclusions: The results of the SUS and semi-structured interview showed that the Dental Pre-Screening System was well accepted and that it can optimise the face-to-face screening process, reducing unnecessary trips and saving money.     &nbsp

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