Amjambo Africa! (January 2023)


In this Issue War in eastern DRC ............2-3 Updates from Africa ................4 Depression/refugee camps...... 5 Editorial .....................................6 Amjambo Arts: Phuc Tran ......7 Advice: Someone to trust .....8-9 In 7 languages Notable inaugurations .....10-11 Coastal resilience ...................11 All about the Workforce ........12 Financial literacy/New Year ..12 Legislative Update ..................13 MCA Giraffe awards ..............14 Tips & Info ..............................15 Year in Review .................. 16-17 Health & Wellness.......18-23, 25 Protecting vision Health in winter In 7 languages Portland Adult Ed. .................27 Abolitionist movement ..........27 Languages are similar ............27 Ukrainian perspective ...........28

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