Technical regulations and conditions for importing passenger vehicles on the territory of Southeast Europe


Ovaj rad se bavi tehničkim propisima u oblasti homologacije vozila, kao i uslovima za uvoz putničkih vozila. Područje koje je analizirano obuhvata region jugoistočne Evrope, odnosno sve republike nekadašnje Jugoslavije, i dodatno, teritoriju Albanije. Rad je baziran na dva ključna, paralelna sistema koji definišu uslove i kriterijume za uvoz vozila na teritorijama pomenutih država, i to na: propisima Ekonomske komisije za Evropu Ujedinjenih nacija (UNECE), i propisima Evropske unije (EU). Obe grupe ovih propisa, koji su u značajnoj meri kompatibilni, su detaljno analizirane, sa posebnim akcentom na njihovu primenu u regionu jugoistočne Evrope, i to kroz analizu propisa svih država i teritorija pojedinačno. Nadalje, rad se bavi i kratkoročnim predviđanjima, do kraja 2012. godine, u pogledu izmene tehničkih propisa i uslova za uvoz vozila. Zaključna razmatranja uključuju i dugoročna predviđanja u pogledu pomenutih propisa na predmetnoj teritoriji.This paper deals with technical regulations in the area of vehicle type approval, and conditions for importing passenger vehicles. The territory analyzed comprises the region of Southeast Europe, that is, all former Yugoslav republics, with the addition of Albania. The paper is based on two key, parallel systems which define the conditions and criteria for importing vehicles on the territory of the above-mentioned countries, namely on the regulations of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and the European Union regulations (EU). Both groups of regulations, which are rather compatible, have been thoroughly analyzed with a special emphasis on their application on the territory of Southeast Europe, through the analysis of regulations of all countries and territories individually. Furthermore, the paper deals with short-term predictions by the end of 2012 focused on changes within technical regulations and conditions for importing vehicles. Final considerations include long-term predictions regarding the mentioned regulations on the above-mentioned territory

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