Application and mode of operation of non-contact stereometric measuring system of biomaterials


Nove optičke stereometrijske metode postaju uobičajene u praćenju mehaničkih karakteristika biomaterijala. Razumevanje mehaničkih karakteristika tvrdih i mekih tkiva je od velike važnosti u dizajniranju i ispitivanju biomaterijala. Mehaničko ponašanje biomaterijala se može proceniti korišćenjem brojnih metoda koje su zasnovane na kontaktnom ili bezkontaktnom merenju deformacija. Merenje deformacionog polja je u ovom radu izvršeno pomoću sistema za trodimenzionalno merenje deformacija i softvera Aramis. Sistem koristi dve digitalne kamere koje omogućavaju stereo prikaz uzorka, a u rezultatima se dobija kompletno deformaciono polje. Prikazano je nekoliko primera koji ističu korišćenje sistema u oblasti biomaterijala i pokazano je da ova metoda merenja može da isprati nove trendove eksperimenata.New optical stereometric methods are becoming commonplace in investigations of mechanical behaviour of biomaterials. An understanding of the mechanical behaviour of hard and soft tissues is of great importance in the design and investigation of biomaterials. The mechanical behaviour of biomaterials can be evaluated using a number of methods that are based on either contact or non-contact schemes for displacement measurement. The method for full-field measurement of strain is done by using the ARAMIS three-dimensional image correlation system. The system uses two digital cameras that provide a synchronized stereo view of the specimen and the results show the complete strain field during the tests. Several examples are presented that highlight the use of stereometric measuring system for modern biomaterials. It is shown that this measuring methodology can capture the trends of the experiments

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