Notes on Eastern North American Butterflies


Editor’s Note (Harry Pavulaan). New natural history elements and distribution records of several eastern North American butterflies are reported. While diversity and distribution of butterflies in the eastern United States are commonly believed to be fully known, the findings presented here show that much is yet to be learned of our butterfly fauna. Includes: 1. Pages 1-3 Lethe eurydice and L. appalachia Larvae (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) Eat Their Shed Cuticle (Exuvia) Soon after Molting in Vermont, USA by David J. Hoag Abstract Larvae of Lethe eurydice and L. appalachia were observed eating their newly shed cuticle (exuvia). Further studies are needed to examine the extent of this unique dietary habit within the Satyrinae. 2. Page 4 Virginia state record of Phyciodes phaon (W. H. Edwards, 1864) (Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae) by Harry Pavulaan Abstract A state record specimen of Phyciodes phaon, originally reported by the author in the Virginia Butterfly Bulletin (Pavulaan, 2000), is illustrated for the first time with a view of location collected. 3. Pages 5-13 Butterflies of the Potomac River Woodlands in Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Virginia: A Depauperate Fauna? by Harry Pavulaan Abstract Butterfly observations made over a 16-year period (2005-2020) in the deciduous woodland habitat along the Potomac River in Leesburg, Virginia reveal a depauperate butterfly fauna in a region otherwise known for its rich butterfly diversity. While the forest canopy contains a high diversity of deciduous tree species, and patches of understory shrubs show limited variety, the herb flora of the forest floor is severely lacking due to uncontrolled deer browsing, poor soil conditions and prolonged annual summer droughts. The butterfly fauna is summarized here. 4. Page 14 Limenitis a. arthemis (White Admiral) in Coastal Southeastern Virginia by Brian Taber Abstract Limenitis a. arthemis is reported from coastal southeastern Virginia for the first time. 5. Pages 15-16 Three Species of the Pearly-Eye Genus Enodia (Hübner, 1819) Observed Together in Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia by Kenneth Lorenzen Abstract Butterflies of the Pearly-eye group of satyrs (genus Enodia) are rarely observed together at the same site at the same time. This report documents an occurrence of Enodia anthedon, E. portlandia, and E. creola together at a location near Jamestown, Virginia, United States. Editor’s note: Enodia is now recognized as a subgenus of Lethe. 6. Pages 17-19 Atlides halesus (Cramer, 1777) (Lycaenidae: Theclinae) and American Mistletoe in Northern Virginia by Harry Pavulaan and Richard D. Ullrich Abstract Atlides halesus halesus (Great Purple Hairstreak) is documented from three sites in western Fairfax County, Virginia, United States. The host American Mistletoe (Phoradendron leucarpum) is widespread in this area, forming dense infestations on trees which certainly supports a resident population of the butterfly as evidenced by several records over a 13-year span

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