The International League Against Epilepsy New Classification of Neonatal Seizures


Clinical recognition has been the cornerstone of the diagnosis and management of neonatal seizures from the earliest days of care for affected infants, and previous classification systems have been based on these bedside observations. Recently, the Task Force on Neonatal Seizures of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) published a new classification system that has significant implications for the care of newborns suspected of seizures. This new construct includes electroencephalographic (EEG) confirmation rather than reliance solely on clinical observation of seizures.1 For some newborns, it will improve diagnosis and management that may affect long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes. For others, it may emphasize additional disparities in health care requiring new clinical strategies. Here, we discuss the rationale for the development of this new classification, advantages and limitations, potential impact, and new strategies for resource-challenged care centers

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