Development in materials for manufacturing electronics with 3D printing


Three-dimensional (3D) printing or additive manufacturing (AM) appears to be one of the promising technologies with numerous advantages and innovative usages as it diminishes worldwide energy utilization and CO2 releases related to manufacturing processes in industries. It is a manufacturing process utilized for fabricating a 3D product by adding layers from a 3Dmodel as required. The adoption of 3D printing (3DP) techniques and technologies, particularly for printed electronics, has the potential to revolutionize flexible electronics industry, and other fields. From a fundamental standpoint, every application must take into account the materials that are available, the speed of creation, and the resolution of 3DP techniques. This chapter offers a fundamental overview of 3DP techniques as well as the applications and classifications associated with this advanced technology. The most recent advancements in unique 3DP materials for fabricating electronic products have also been presented. Most importantly, this chapter emphasizes the significant role of 3DP in current research advancements, directing readers to concentrate on the current challenges faced by this technology and afterwards outlining future research outlooks to advance 3DP technology

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