
AbstrakBejana perunggu Kerinci merupakan salah satu peninggalan dari zaman logam, ditemukan pada 1922 di Kabubaten Kerinci. Seluruh permukaan dari benda tersebut dihiasi oleh motif geometris. Bejana dan motif-motif geometris itu dijadikan sumber inspirasi dan diekspresikan ke karya kriya logam panel dalam bentuk dua dimensi untuk hiasan interior. Metode penciptaan diawali dengan eksplorasi, tahap perancangan dan tahap perwujudan. Teknik yang digunakan adalah ukir logam (tatah), grafir, dan kerawang. Finishing  woodstain black, dan clear doof. Hasil karya “Ekspresi Bejana Perunggu Sebagai Penghias Interior”  berupa panel yang dipajang di dinding. Adapun judul karya tersebut adalah tiga bejana Kata Kunci: Ekspresi; Bejana Perunggu Kerinci; Interior.  AbstractThe Kerinci bronze vessel was one of the relics of the metal age, found in 1922 in Kerinci Regency. The entire surface of the object was decorated with geometric motifs. Vessels and geometric motifs were used as a source of creation and were expressed in metal panel crafts in two dimensions for interior decoration. The method of creation begins with exploration, the design stage and the embodiment stage. The techniques used were metal carving (inlay), engraving, and filigree. Finishing woodstain black, and clear doof. The work "Bronze Vessel Expression As Interior Decorator" was a panel that was displayed on the wall. The title of the work was three vessel, decorative lights and decorative clock Keywords: Expression; Kerinci Bronze Vessel; Interior.

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