宋時烈의 道統論과 文廟釐正 논의


King Hyojong"s reign, Song Shi-Yeol engaged in further studies and teachings of Chu Hsi. Song supposed himself and his fellow Seoin/西人 Sanrim/山林 members to the successor of Chu Hsi, and reviewed the studies of former masters of him such as Lee Ih/李珥, Kim Jang Saeng/金長生 and Jo Heon/趙憲, with the Cuase of Justice theory(義理論). Song"s Cause of Justice theory triggered the effort of reviewing the past Confucian figures during the reign of King Hyeonjong. He suggested a new way of evaluating someone or something based upon the character(人品) and the level of engagement in Confucian ideologies. In the process, a new genealogy of historical figures was established with Gija/箕子, Jeong Mong-Ju/鄭夢周, Jo Gwang-Jo/趙光祖, and Lee Ih/李珥 in line. During the reign of King Hyeonjong, Song tried to consolidate the legitimacy factor of the Neo-Cofucianism by bringing modifications to the National Confucian Shrine policies and practices(文廟祀典), and to establish the status of Lee Ih and Kim Jang Saeng as the true successors of Chu Hsi"s studies and philosophy

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