
Superconducting high-field wigglers and wave length shifters in Budker INP


Several high-field superconducting wigglers (SCW) and wavelength shifters (WLS) are fabricated in the Budker INP for generation of synchrotron radiation. Three-pole WLS with the magnetic field of 7.5 T are installed on LSU‑CAMD and BESSY-II storage rings for shifting the radiation spectrum. WLS with the field of 10.3 T will be used for generation of slow positrons on SPring-8. Creation of a 13-pole 7 T wiggler for the BESSY-II and 45-pole 3.5 T wiggler for ELETTRA now is finished. The main characteristics, design features and synchrotron radiation properties of SCW and WLS created in the Budker INP are presented in this article

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