Protracted bacterial bronchitis in children - the «new» «old» disease


Protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB) is characterized by productive cough, usually after 2-week course of antibiotic therapy, while there are no other reasons that could explain the cough. PBB is a main cause of chronic wet cough in children. The literature review provides information about the disease, first described in 2006. The article lists causes of acute and chronic (wet and dry) cough in children. It presents description history, definition and diagnostic criteria for PBB; consistently characterizes epidemiology, etiology, risk factors, pathogenesis and clinical picture, laboratory instrumental diagnostics and treatment of PBB. Separately it discusses difficulties of PBB diagnostic, including PBB differential diagnosis with bronchial asthma, effects of the disease and its connection with bronchоectasis, therapy discussion questions. It proves the necessity of inclusion of PBB to the national classification of bronchopulmonary diseases in children. © 2017, Pediatria Ltd. All rights reserved

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