Representations of the quadratic Algebra and Partially Asymmetric Diffusion with Open Boundaries


We consider the one-dimensional partially asymmetric exclusion model with open boundaries. The model describes a system of hard-core particles that hop stochastically in both directions with different rates. At both boundaries particles are injected and extracted. By means of the method of Derrida, Evans, Hakim and Pasquier the stationary probability measure can be expressed as a matrix-product state involving two matrices forming a Fock-like representation of a general quadratic algebra. We obtain the representations of this algebra, which were unknown in the mathematical literature and use the two-dimensional one to derive exact expressions for the density profile and correlation functions. Using the correspondence between the stochastic model and a quantum spin chain, we obtain exact correlation functions for a spin-1 Heisenberg XXZ chain with non-diagonal boundary terms. Generalizations 2 to other reaction-diffusion models are discussed

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