
ABSTRACT Amalia Faulien. 2017. Capuring the Use of Colocation in Argumentative Essay Writing on Second Semester Students in English Education Department of IAIN Surakarta. Thesis. English Education Department. Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. State Islamic Institute of Surakarta. Advisor : Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M. Pd. Key words : Collocation, lexical collocation, grammatical collocation, Argumentative Essay Collocation is a combination of words in a language that happens very often and more frequently than would happen by chance. The aim of this study is to analyze the types of collocation used by 2nd semester students and the incorrect collocation made by the students in their argumentative essay writing. The researcher used content analysis with descriptive qualitative approach. The data was collected by documenting the types and incorrect collocation on the students‟ worksheet of argumentative essay writing. The data were analyzes by reducing the data, presenting the data, analyzing the data by using Benson theory and taking the conclusion and verification. This research used source triangulation and verification based on Oxford Collocation Dictionary to get an appropriate data. There are two findings of this research. First, the types of collocation used by the students. Second, the incorrect collocation made by the students. The result of the study showed that there are 9 types pattern consist of lexical and grammatical collocation. The total of collocation used by the students in their argumentative essay are 127 collocation, it also showed that most of collocation produced by the students is lexical collocation there are 74 collocation, while grammatical collocation are accounted 58 collocation. Adjective + Noun is the pattern of lexical collocation types which commonly occurred in students argumentative essay. The second finding is the incorrect collocations made by the students there are: 1) quality character, 2) social domain, 3) far distance, 4) attractive dressed, 5) important energy, 6) we must pause, 7) to understand the problem, 8) the likelihood of blindness, 9) don‟t wear, 10) education ladder, 11) pretty easy, 12) rectify our mindset, 13) quality generation, 14) observe intently, 15) the goal of doing homework, 16) to managed, 17) tremendous pain and 18) virtual world. From those findings, there are many types of collocation used by 2nd semester students and the incorrect collocation is still low. Based on those findings, the researcher has suggestion for other researcher to investigate the relationship between student‟s collocation competence and their academic success. It will be of great value to understand whether collocation knowledge helps students increase their academic achievement

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