The Pristine Dwarf-Galaxy survey - II. In-depth observational study of the faint Milky Way satellite Sagittarius II


We present an extensive study of the Sagittarius II (Sgr II) stellar system using MegaCam g and i photometry, narrow-band, metallicity-sensitive calcium H&K doublet photometry and Keck II/DEIMOS multiobject spectroscopy. We derive and refine the Sgr II structural and stellar properties inferred at the time of its discovery. The colour–magnitude diagram implies Sgr II is old (12.0 ± 0.5 Gyr) and metal poor. The CaHK photometry confirms the metal-poor nature of the satellite ([Fe/H] CaHK = −2.32 ± 0.04 dex) and suggests that Sgr II hosts more than one single stellar population (σ CaHK [FeH] = 0.11+0.05 −0.03 dex). Using the Ca infrared triplet measured from our highest signal-to-noise spectra, we confirm the metallicity and dispersion inferred from the Pristine photometric metallicities ([Fe/H]spectro = −2.23 ± 0.05 dex, σspectro [Fe/H] = 0.10+0.06 −0.04 dex). The velocity dispersion of the system is found to be σv = 2.7+1.3 −1.0 km s−1 after excluding two potential binary stars. Sgr II’s metallicity and absolute magnitude (MV = −5.7 ± 0.1 mag) place the system on the luminosity–metallicity relation of the Milky Way dwarf galaxies despite its small size. The low but resolved metallicity and velocity dispersions paint the picture of a slightly dark-matter-dominated satellite (M/L = 23.0+32.8 −23.0 M L−1 ). Furthermore, using the Gaia Data Release 2, we constrain the orbit of the satellite and find an apocentre of 118.4+28.4 −23.7 kpc and a pericentre of 54.8+3.3 −6.1 kpc. The orbit of Sgr II is consistent with the trailing arm of the Sgr stream and indicates that it is possibly a satellite of the Sgr dSph that was tidally stripped from the dwarf’s influence.ES, KY, and AA gratefully acknowledge funding by the Emmy Noether programme from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). This work has been published under the framework of the IdEx Unistra and benefits from a funding from the state managed by theFrench National Research Agency as part of the investments for the future program. NFM, RI, and NL gratefully acknowledge support from the French National Research Agency (ANR) funded project ‘Pristine’ (ANR-18-CE31-0017) along with funding from CNRS/INSU through the Programme National Galaxies et Cosmologie and through the CNRS grant PICS07708. The authors thank the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Berne, Switzerland for providing financial support and meeting facilities to the international team ‘Pristine’. JIGH acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry project MINECO AYA2017- 86389-P, and from the Spanish MINECO under the 2013 Ramon y ´ Cajal program MINECO RYC-2013-14875. BPML gratefully acknowledges support from FONDECYT postdoctoral fellowship No. 316051

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