This report accompanies a digital geologic map of the Picacho, Picacho SW, Picacho NW, and Hidden Valley 7.5-minute quadrangles — the four quadrants of the Picacho 15-minute quadrangle. The map area is located within the central and south-ern Trigo Mountains, Arizona, and southeastern Chocolate Mountains, California and is dominated by stratigraphically and structurally complex Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks relevant to understanding the geologic evolution of the U.S. Southwest more broadly. The report provides descriptions of the geologic map units, their environments of formation, age constraints, deformational history, and regional correlations. It also includes a brief summary of metallic ore deposits within the map area, as well as a selective bibliography of publications on ore deposits in and adjacent to the map area.Documents in the AZGS Documents Repository collection are made available by the Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS) and the University Libraries at the University of Arizona. For more information about items in this collection, please contact [email protected]