Calibratge, caracterització i aplicació d'un sistema de mesura ambulatori de la temperatura de la pell i l'activitat física


The project focuses on the design and development of a portable peripheral temperature measurement device to study the sleep cycle that is closely linked. The distal skin temperature increases around the first hours of the night, reaching the maximum when the user is completely slept, where it remains constant until the awakening begins. This is the continuation of a previous project where improvements have been made. Changes have been made in the interconnection of the sensors and the user interface. Moreover, a calibration procedure to correct the error due to the ambient temperature drifts on the skin temperature has been made to obtain an accurate system that correctly acquires the temperature of the distal skin. Some statistics applied to the measurements allow to detect when a user has a good quality sleep. Physical activity, another function added in the project, has been seen to be related with changes in temperature obtained at night

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