The globalisation of trade hcts. exposed. Nigeri,m. rubber. to the fltwtu_ations .in. global rubber prices and the instability in the natural rubber pr~ces has been a disincentive for rnbber production and exports. Underlyi_ng factors in the e?C,p9.rt of natural rubber &S a sub-sector of agriculture are investigated using secondary data_ frorn Nigeria· _d_µring J960-2004 and primary data from 120 farmers, Data were analysed using descriptiv.e statistics and multiple regression,. Result reveaJed that output and producers pri~e exerted positive effects on export supply, thaJ )s. a rise .in output and.·producers price would cause exporters to export more natµral rubqer. However; domestic consumpti9rt quantity and annual rainfall were dis-incentives to rubber exporters. Rubber producets als.o e_xperienced a multiplicity of probJems which centered on inputs ,used in rubper producticm and ~ged rubber trees