Israel's Agricultural Economy in Brief


Excerpts from the report Summary: Agriculture has been Important in Israel's economy since establishment of the State 20 years ago. Initially small-scale and underdeveloped, Israel's agriculture today is highly advanced and sophisticated. Agricultural production since 1948 has increased sixfold in value (at current prices). Agricultural exports, totaling less than 20millionin1948,reachedavalueofover20 million in 1948, reached a value of over 140 million in 1967. Twenty percent of 1967 's exports were processed agricultural goods. One-fifth of the country's land area is in crops. Israeli farmers produce more than three-quarters (by value) of the country's food, and agricultural products comprise about one-quarter of total exports. New agricultural export products--such as flowers, avocados, and vegetables geared to the European winter market--are receiving priority, and processed exports continue to increase

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