Sample Efficient Monte Carlo Tree Search for Robotics


Artificial intelligent agents that behave like humans have become a defining theme and one of the main goals driving the rapid development of deep learning, particularly reinforcement learning (RL), in recent years. Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a class of methods for solving complex decision-making problems through the synergy of Monte-Carlo planning and Reinforcement Learning (RL). MCTS has yielded impressive results in Go (AlphaGo), Chess(AlphaZero), or video games, and it has been further exploited successfully in motion planning, autonomous car driving, and autonomous robotic assembly tasks. Many of the MCTS successes rely on coupling MCTS with neural networks trained using RL methods such as Deep Q-Learning, to speed up the learning of large-scale problems. Despite achieving state-of-the-art performance, the highly combinatorial nature of the problems commonly addressed by MCTS requires the use of efficient exploration-exploitation strategies for navigating the planning tree and quickly convergent value backup methods. Furthermore, large-scale problems such as Go and Chess games require the need for a sample efficient method to build an effective planning tree, which is crucial in on-the-fly decision making. These acute problems are particularly evident, especially in recent advances that combine MCTS with deep neural networks for function approximation. In addition, despite the recent success of applying MCTS to solve various autonomous robotics tasks, most of the scenarios, however, are partially observable and require an advanced planning method in complex, unstructured environments. This thesis aims to tackle the following question: How can robots plan efficiency under highly stochastic dynamic and partial observability? The following paragraphs will try to answer the question: First, we propose a novel backup strategy that uses the power mean operator, which computes a value between the average and maximum value. We call our new approach Power Mean Upper Confidence bound Tree (Power-UCT). We theoretically analyze our method providing guarantees of convergence to the optimum. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in well-known Markov decision process (MDP) and partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) benchmarks, showing significant improvement in terms of sample efficiency and convergence speed w.r.t. state-of-the-art algorithms. Second, we investigate an efficient exploration-exploitation planning strategy by providing a comprehensive theoretical convex regularization framework in MCTS. We derive the first regret analysis of regularized MCTS, showing that it guarantees an exponential convergence rate. Subsequently, we exploit our theoretical framework to introduce novel regularized backup operators for MCTS based on the relative entropy of the policy update and, more importantly, on the Tsallis entropy of the policy, for which we prove superior theoretical guarantees. Afterward, we empirically verify the consequence of our theoretical results on a toy problem. Eventually, we show how our framework can easily be incorporated in AlphaGo, and we empirically show the superiority of convex regularization, w.r.t. representative baselines, on well-known RL problems across several Atari games. Next, we take a further step to draw the connection between the two methods, Power-UCT and the convex regularization in MCTS, providing a rigorous theoretical study on the effectiveness of α-divergence in online Monte-Carlo planning. We show how the two methods can be related by using α-divergence. We additionally provide an in-depth study on the range of α parameter that helps to trade-off between exploration-exploitation in MCTS, hence showing how α-divergence can achieve state-of-the-art results in complex tasks. Finally, we investigate a novel algorithmic formulation of the popular MCTS algorithm for robot path planning. Notably, we study Monte-Carlo Path Planning (MCPP) by analyzing and proving, on the one part, its exponential convergence rate to the optimal path in fully observable MDPs, and on the other part, its probabilistic completeness for finding feasible paths in POMDPs (proof sketch) assuming limited distance observability. Our algorithmic contribution allows us to employ recently proposed variants of MCTS with different exploration strategies for robot path planning. Our experimental evaluations in simulated 2D and 3D environments with a 7 degrees of freedom (DOF) manipulator and in a real-world robot path planning task demonstrate the superiority of MCPP in POMDP tasks. In summary, this thesis proposes and analyses novel value backup operators and policy selection strategies both in terms of theoretical and experimental perspectives to help cope with sample efficiency and exploration-exploitation trade-off problems in MCTS and bring these advanced methods to robot path planning, showing the superiority in POMDPs w.r.t the state-of-the-art methods

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