Laparoscopic gonad-sparing procedure in ovotesticular disorder of sex development case video technique


Introduction Ovotesticular disorder of sex development (OTD) is a rare condition. There’s a lack of literature addressing gonad-sparing surgery for OTD. Objective Report the laparoscopicpartial gonadectomy technique e gonad-sparing surgery e in an 11-year-old child, 46, XX karyotype with OTD with atypical genitalia. Material and methods After a complete diagnostic evaluation the patient underwent feminizing genitoplasty followed by laparoscopic partial gonadectomy (gonad-sparing surgery). The patient was positioned on supine position and Trendelenburg. One 5 mm port was placed on the umbilicus and two 3 mm ports in both flanks. A gonadal wedge biopsy was performed to achieve histopathological confirmation before resection. The testicular component of the ovotestis is clearly identified based on macroscopic aspects, and resected with laparoscopic scissors and limited use of electrocautery. Discussion This case was classified as bipolar or terminal ovotestis. At the 5-month follow-up, the patient attained menarche. No adverse outcomes have been recorded. Postoperative third year follow-up hormone evaluation revealed aZ female pattern characteristic and ultrasound demonstraed uterine volume increase, as well as bilateral ovarian tissue development with follicles. Conclusions Gonad-sparing procedure is feasible and desirable whenever possible, especially in 46, XX patients with female sex of rearing, since it preserves the fertility potential. The risk of malignancy must be monitored

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