Habitat development field investigations, Windmill Point marsh development site, James River, Virginia; Appendix D: Environmental impacts of marsh development with dredged material: Botany, soils, aquatic biology, and wildlife


The Windmill Point marsh development site is a 9.3-ha dredged material island located in the James River, 0.4 km west of Windmill Point, Prince George County, Virginia. The marsh site construction began in November 1974 and continued in conjunction with r9utine maintenance dredging through February 1975. The island, at the completion of construction, consisted of a sand dike forming a rectangular perimenter 152 x 396 m, occupying 1.2 ha above mean high water, confining an area about 5.7 ha of which 4.9 ha was intertidal substrate composed of dike and dredged material

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