Monogeneans from the southern Pacific Ocean, Polyopisthocotyleids from the Australian fishes, the subfamily Polylabrinae and Microcotylinae


This sixth of a series on monogenetic trematodes from the Southern Pacific Ocean discusses five species of Monogenea from Australian waters. Polylabris carnivonensis n. sp., from the gills of Leiognathus fasciatus, and Polylabris sigani no. sp., from the gills of Siganus ormin, are described. Polylabris sillaginae (Woolcock, 1936) n. comb and Gonoplasius carangis Sandars, 1944 are redescribed. In order that comparisons can be made between Australian and New Zealand populations, Kahawaia truttae (Dillon and Hargis, 1965) Lebedev, 1969 is briefly I described

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