Estimation Of Oyster Shell Surface-Area Using Regression Equations Derived From Aluminum Foil Molds


A method is described for estimation of surface area of shells of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin 1791), as an alternative to direct measurement of surface area with aluminum foil molds. It is based on computation, from a small sample of shells, of the equation for regression of area of aluminum foil molds of shells on area enclosed within tracings of the shell outline. Area of other shells is then predicted from their shell outline area using the equation. Accuracy of the regression method in spatfall studies was established using data from shellstring collectors suspended in the Piankatank River, Virginia. For the most part, differences between foil mold area of individual shellstring shells and the area predicted from regression equations were small, and spat densities on individual shells, as computed from foil mold area and from regression-predicted area, were almost identical

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