Occohannock Creek Shoreline Erosion Assessment and Living Shoreline Options Report


This study provides information to Occohannock Creek property owners to help them assess their shoreline stability and their options if erosion is a problem. In the past, shoreline erosion control options were typically limited to rip-rap, groins, or bulkheads. These hard structures often destroyed marsh and other habitat and may not have provided the protection desired. Other methods of erosion control now exist that have been used in a variety of conditions and evaluated for their durability and performance. The alternative techniques incorporate vegetation and are referred to as Living Shoreline designs. Conditions on Occohannock Creek make it a very good place to use Living Shoreline techniques to stabilize areas that are losing land or fringe marsh. All segments of Occohannock Creek can achieve some benefit by planting new marsh grasses or enhancing those already present to improve habitat, trap sediment, and reduce the erosive force of waves

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