Environmental effects of James River sewage treatment plant outfall construction


In the spring of 1975 the Institute began a program to determine whether significant environmental changes would occur in the area of the new James River Plant outfall that might be related to its construction and/or initial operation. Parameters measured in the study were benthic animal and oyster populations, coliform levels and chlorine residuals. The primary emphasis of the study centered on the estimation of the impact of the construction activity on shellfish beds in the area. The results of the investigation are presented in three segments, the first dealing with shellfish populations, the second with other benthic animals and the third with coliforms and chlorine. Section I. Environmental Effects of James River Sewage Treatment Plant Outfall Construction on Oyster Beds in the James River by Dexter S. Haven and Paul C . Kendall Section II. Environmental Effects of the James River Sewage Treatment Plant Outfall Construction: Soft Bottom Macrobenthos by Robert J. Diaz and Donald F. Boesch Section III. Water Quality in the Vicinity of James River Sewage Treatment Plant Outfall by Michael E. Bende

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