The Test-Retest Reliability of ERP Components as Assessed by the Brief Neurometric Battery


Electroencephalography (EEG) has been a crucial component of neuropsychological research for nearly a century. Recent applications of the EEG recordings in a clinical setting have demonstrated a range of diagnostic and prognostic uses. Certain changes in event-related potentials (ERP) have been linked to the effects of different neurological conditions and can be accurately used to determine the severity of those conditions. However, in order to assess the stability of these ERP recordings over an extended period of time, one must first establish their statistical test-retest reliability. Using a novel Brief Neurometric Battery we assessed seven different ERP components in twenty college-age subjects. After our initial recordings we then repeated the assessment roughly a week afterward. Both sets of data were then analyzed to determine the relative consistency of the ERP recordings. Out of the seven, only one ERP component, the frequency mismatch negativity, was shown to have significantly reliable measure across trials. Further trials with slight experimental alterations will be required to further assess the test-retest reliability of the remaining ERP components

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