Alex Zizinga 2021-Assessment of FAO AquaCrop Model for simulating maize (Zea Mays L.) productivity under selected climate smart agriculture practices for soil water management in a sub-humid environment


This data is from the field experiment conducted in Uganda fror three growing seasons conducted at Bulindi Zonal Agriculture Research Development Institute, Western Uganda (1° 00' – 2° 00' N and 30° 30' – 31°45' E, 1276 m asl). The data includes files describing seven treatments used in the experiment to simulate maize yield and biomass in sheet one of Crop growth file with all seasons of simulated and field observations for three growing seasons aligned to the AquaCrop model evaluation statistics, Evapotranspiration (Etr), Water Use Efficience (WUE) in sheet 2 and the Climate data in sheet three (Climate). The individual simulated files are titled in a folder for all seasons (The experiment consisted of seven treatments which included grass mulch with thicknesses of 2 cm (M2 cm), 4 cm (M4 cm) and 6 cm (M6 cm), halfmoon (HM), permanent planting basins (PPB) of 20 cm (PPB20 cm) and 30 cm (PPB30 cm). Soil hydarulic properties include field capaciy, permanent wilting point and saturation of the soils at the study site.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

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