Shelley’s Influence on Atalanta in Calydon


A close study of Swinburne\u27s works reveals the accuracy of Paul de Reul\u27s perception that Swinburne relit ses poetes, s\u27en impregne, les respire; mele a ses vers des reminiscences qui en font une musique de chambre, un plaisir de connaisseurs. 1 In work after work by Swinburne, the alert reader will find subtly-harmonized images, phrases, and ideas that Swinburne assimilated from his wide reading among authors of many lands and times. Among these sources, as we would expect, Shelley has a continuing place. An example of one of the ways Swinburne adopts and reworks material from one of his life- long gods of poetry is apparent in Shelley\u27s influence on Atalanta in Calydon.

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