Beta Carotene and retinol content in milk of Jersey cows


Cilj diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi koncentraciju β-karotena i retinola u mlijeku krava Jeresy pasmine te moguće varijacije uvjetovane hranidbom i sezonom. Karotenoidi su osnovni prirodni pigment mlijeka među kojima je najzastupljeniji karoten osobito koristan u prevenciji krvožilnih bolesti i bolesti oka. Mlijeko krava Jersey pasmine poznato je po većem sadržaju mliječne masti u odnosu na mlijeko drugih pasmina. Istraživanje je provedeno na farmi Eko Vedrine d.o.o. na kojoj se uzgaja 100 krava Jersey pasmine. Uzorci su se prikupljali jednom mjesečno kroz 12 mjeseci iz laktofriza. Osim osnovnog kemijskog sastava, u mlijeku je određen sadržaj β-karotena i retinola (HPLC metoda) te parametri boje mlijeka. Istraživanjem je dokazano kako hranidba utječe na promjenu sastava β-karotena i retinola u mlijeku krava ovisno o izmjeni tri proizvodno hranidbene faze.The aim of this master thesis was to determine the content of β-carotene and retinol in the milk of Jersey cows as well as possible variations caused by feeding and seasons. Carotenoids are the basic natural pigment of milk among which the most common is carotene, useful in the prevention of vascular and eye diseases. Jersey cow's milk is known for its higher milk fat content than milk of other dairy breeds. The study was conducted on the farm Eko Vedrine d.o.o. on which 100 Jersey cows are bred. Samples were collected once a month for 12 months from bulk milk. In addition to the basic chemical composition, the content of β-carotene and retinol (HPLC method) and milk color parameters were determined in the milk. Results shown that feeding influences the change in the composition of β-carotene and retinol in cow's milk depending on the change of the three production feeding stages

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