Mercenaria Culture Using Stone Aggregate For Predator Protection


A low technology method utilizing hatchery-raised seed clams and field grow-out techniques is presented.This technique appears to be economically feasible and can be carried out by non-technical personnel with a minimum of training. The hatchery uses the Wells-Glancy (centrifuged, incubated seawater) method for raising food for the larval clams. The larvae set in 8 - 10 days and the seed are supplied with flowing seawater until they grow to 2 mm. The 2 mm seed were placed in nursery plots and protected from predation by a layer of gravel or crushed stone aggregate. Movement of the small clams was prevented by a system of baffles which enclosed and dissected the nursery areas. Field survival of a 1975 test group of 600,000 clams approached 75 % . Costs of raising the clams for the first year are included

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