Bacterial levels and diversity in kitchen sponges and dishwashing brushes used by consumers


Data on bacterial levels and bacteriota results from sponges and brushes used by consumers. There are also data on usage information on the brushes and sponges reported by consumers.The Excel file "Brushes and sponges" contains information about usage information on sponges and brushes as well as total bacterial counts and Salmonella counts. These are the data used in Table 2 and Table 4 in the article in Journal of Applied Microbiology by Møretrø with the same title as this dataset.The Excel files "Run1_Norwegian" and "Run2_Portuguese, contain background data for microbiota analysis for Norwegian sponges and brushes and Portuguese sponges, respectively, and refer to data presented in Figure 1 and 2 and in Table 3 in the article in Journal of Applied Microbiology by Møretrø with the same title as this dataset.THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

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