Hiding Data in Images Using Steganography


Steganografija je postupak skrivanja podataka u multimedijskim datotekama, najčešće u slikama, tako da ljudska osjetila ne primijete razliku između originalne datoteke i one s umetnutim podacima. Najčešće korištena metoda za umetanje podataka u slike naziva se LSB metoda. To je supstitucijska metoda koja bitove podataka koji se umeću sprema u bitove najmanje važnosti slike u koju se umeće. Mijenjanje samo najmanje važnih bitova slike osigurava da promjene u bojama piksela budu što manje uočljive. U sklopu ovog rada dana je implementacija LSB metode kojom je moguće u sliku sakriti tekst ili drugu sliku te pročitati te skrivene podatke iz slike i rekonstruirati ono što je u nju bilo skriveno.Steganography is a proccess of hiding data in multimedia files, most often images, in a way that human senses do not notice the difference between the original file and the one with the inserted data. The most commonly used method for inserting data into images is called the LSB method. It's a substitution method that stores the bits of inserted data into the least significant bits of the image in which it's inserted. Changing only the least significant image bits ensures that changes in pixel colors are as unnoticeable as possible. In this paper, an implementation of the LSB method is given. Using this implementation it is possible to hide text or another image in an image and to also read the hidden data from an image and reconstruct what was hidden

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