"Epidemiology of eye injuries in the General Hospital Dubrovnik"


CILJ: Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi i usporediti učestalost ozljeda oka pacijenata liječenih na Odjelu za oftalmologiju i optometriju Opće bolnice Dubrovnik u desetogodišnjem razdoblju, od 1. siječnja 2011. do 31. prosinca 2020., te vrstu ozljede prema klasifikaciji BETT (Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology) s učestalošću ozljeda oka u ostatku svijeta. METODE: Studija je retrospektivna, a podaci su prikupljeni iz dokumentacije Odjela za oftalmologiju i optometriju Opće bolnice Dubrovnik. 72 uključena ispitanika pacijenti su Odjela za oftalmologiju Opće bolnice Dubrovnik, s ozljedom oka u razdoblju od 1. 1. 2011. do 31. 12. 2020. godine. REZULTATI: Broj pacijenata prema dobi kretao se od 3 pacijenta u 2016. do 13 pacijenata u 2011. Prosječan godišnji broj hospitaliziranih s ozljedom oka u ovoj studiji bio je 7,2. Najveći broj ozljeda dogodio se u veljači i listopadu, po 10 incidenata, a najrjeđi u siječnju i prosincu, kada je došlo do jedne ozljede oka. Broj ozljeda kod muškaraca bio je 51 (70,8 %), a žena 21 (29,2 %), a ozljede oka bile su nešto češće na desnoj strani, odnosno 52,7 %. Prosječna starost svih ozlijeđenih bila je 44,47 godina. Razlika u dobi ozlijeđenih prema spolu nije bila statistički značajna. Čak 44,4 % ozlijeđenih imalo je najgore vrijednosti vidne oštrine <0.1, a samo 3 ozlijeđena imala su 1.0. Od ukupnog broja pacijenata, 74 % je imalo ozljedu oka. Na dan otpusta, najveći broj pacijenata imao je oštrinu vida ozlijeđenog oka <0.1, a najmanji broj ozlijeđenih imao je oštrinu vida ozlijeđenog oka 0,1 - 0. Što se tiče uzroka ozljede oka, u ovoj studiji najčešći uzrok ozljede bio je pad (u 11 hospitaliziranih), slijede ozljede kamenom i drvetom (po 8 ozljeda). Pacijenti s otvorenom ozljedom imali su u prosjeku 54,73 godine i bili su stariji od pacijenata sa zatvorenom ozljedom. U prosjeku su najmlađi uzrasti bili pacijenti sa zatvorenom ozljedom oka uzrokovanom ljepilom i eksplozijom, a najstariji s otvorenom ozljedom bili su pacijenti koji su ozlijedili oko pri padu. 30 % ozlijeđenih bilo je bez komplikacija, kod zatvorenih ozljeda najčešća komplikacija bila je hifema, a kod otvorenih najčešći su bili: porast tlaka, uveitis, endoftalmitis i leukemija rožnice. Najčešće zahvaćen dio oka, u ovoj studiji bila je rožnica, s 47,1 % za zatvorene i 37 % za otvorene ozljede. 48 ZAKLJUČAK: Ozljede oka ozbiljan su zdravstveni problem. U većine pacijenata, s odgovarajućim liječenjem, terapijska oštrina vida i intraokularni tlak oporavili su se na funkcionalnu razinu, ali postoji određeni udio ozljeda oka kod kojih su posljedice trajne. Veći dio ozljede može biti spriječiti izbjegavanje kretanja starijih osoba na neplodnom tlu koje često uzrokuje padove i ozljede.OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine and compare the frequency of eye injuries of patients treated at the Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry of the Dubrovnik General Hospital in the ten-year period, from January 1st, 2011. to December 31st, 2020. and the type of injury according to BETT (Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology) to the incidence of eye injuries in the rest of the world. METHODS: The study is retrospective, and data was collected from the documentation of the Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry of the General Hospital Dubrovnik. 72 included subjects are patients of the Department of Ophthalmology of the General Hospital Dubrovnik with an eye injury in the period from 01.01.2011. until 31.12. 2020. RESULTS: The number of patients by age were ranged from 3 patients in 2016. to 13 patients in 2011. The average annual number of hospitalizations with eye injury in this study was 7.2. The largest number of injuries occurred in February and October, with 10 incidents each, and the rarest in January and December, when only one eye injury occurred. The number of injuries in male population was 51 (70.8%) and female 21 (29.2%), and eye injuries were slightly more common on the right side, respectively 52.7%. The average age of all injured was 44.47 years. The age difference of the injured by gender was not statistically significant. As many as 44.4% of the injured had the lowest values of visual acuity <0.1, and only 3 had the highest 1.0. Of the total number of patients, 74% had an eye injury. On the day of discharge, the largest number of patients had a visual acuity of the injured eye <0.1, and the smallest number of injured had a visual acuity of the injured eye of 0.1-0. As for the cause of eye injury, in this study, the most common cause of injury was a fall, with 11 hospitalized patients, followed by stone and wood injuries by 8 injuries each. Patients with open injury averaged 54.73 years and were older than patients with closed injury. On average, the youngest were patients with a closed eye injury caused by glue and an explosion, and the oldest with an open injury were patients who injured their eye when falling. 30% of the injured were without complications, for closed injuries the most common complication was hyphaemia, and for open injuries, the most common 50 complications were pressure rise, uveitis, endophthalmitis, and corneal leukaemia. The most affected part of the eye in this study was the cornea, with 47.1% for closed injuries and 37% for open injuries. CONCLUSION: Eye injuries are a serious health problem. In most patients, appropriate therapy of visual acuity and intraocular pressure recovered to a functional level, but there is a certain proportion of eye injuries in which the consequences are permanent. Most injuries can be prevented by avoiding the movement of the elderly on non-fertile ground, which often causes falls and injuries

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