New Kent County, Virginia - Shoreline Inventory Report: Methods and Guidelines


The 2018 Inventory for New Kent County was generated using on-screen, digitizing techniques in ArcGIS® -ArcMap v10.4.1 while viewing conditions observed in Bing high resolution oblique imagery, Google Earth, and 2017 imagery from the Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP). Four GIS shapefiles are developed. The first describes land use and bank conditions (New_Kent_lubc_2018). The second portrays the presence of beaches (New_Kent_beaches_2018). The third reports shoreline structures that are described as arcs or lines(e.g. riprap)(New_Kent_sstru_2018). The final shapefile includes all structures that are represented as points(e.g. piers)(New_Kent_astru_2018).The metadata file accompanies the shapefiles and defines attribute accuracy, data development, and any use restrictions that pertain to data

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