An analysis of characteristics associated with corporate colleges


The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of change in corporate colleges between 1985 and 1989 and to examine the evolution of these institutions to structures and programs which more closely resemble traditional institutions of higher education. A random sample of three institutions was selected for analysis from the first of corporate colleges identified in the Carnegie Study, Corporate Classrooms: The Learning Business, conducted in 1985.;Data collection instruments were sent to 17 of the institutions identified in the Carnegie Study. of the institutions contacted, 11 responded which represented a return rate of 64.7 percent. All of the institutions, including non-respondents, were contacted by phone for the information or to clarify and refine data. A case study approach was applied as a methodology to analyze and compare the institutions. In order to determine if these institutions were becoming more like traditional institutions, a degree from one of the 18 institutions was compared with one offered in a traditional postsecondary institution

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